On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 1:06 PM, J. Lewis Muir <jlm...@imca-cat.org> wrote:
> On 11/22/13 11:17 AM, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
>> If it's offensive for you, compile your own spamd man page with
>> the diff you so happily provided, and live the rest of your life
>> happy. Remember to always take this pill again on 1st of May, and 1st
>> of November, every year.
> Hi, Giancarlo.
> Well, no one wants to maintain a patch forever.  I'd maintain it for a
> while if there was a good chance it would get accepted at some point,
> but if there's no chance, then I wouldn't bother.
> I'm a little puzzled over the whole resistance to the patch.  If I
> wrote a man page for some software I wrote, and if an example in it was
> considered off-color by someone, and that someone submitted a patch to
> me to change it slightly to no longer be off-color to them, and they
> asked in a kind way, and the patch didn't hurt the clarity of the man
> page in any way, I would likely accept the patch.  How am I hurt by it?
> I may not agree with the person, but why would I insist on keeping an
> example that seems off-color to them?  If it's somehow offensive to them
> and can be changed in a small way not to be, then I would accept the
> patch to change it.  Everybody wins--no big deal.

What you don't seem to understand is that the developers of OpenBSD,
most importantly the project leader, don't see it your way, and it's
THEIR project. You don't do the work, they do. They give it to us as a
gift. Theo made this point earlier, but unfortunately it seems to need
reiterating. This issue is subjective, a matter of taste, and they get
to make the decisions on such matters. In my opinion, this discussion
has gone way past the point of diminishing returns (I think it started
there). You've been told "we're going to do it my way, because I'm the
mommy", which most people would respond to by ceasing and desisting.

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