On Feb 11 15:58:39, themazed...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 02/10/2013 06:47 PM, Rod Whitworth wrote:
> >On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:09:56 -0600, Maximo Pech wrote:
> >
> >>Well, installing openbsd is not what I'd call easy for people with few
> >>technical skills.
> >Crap! It is well documented and very little data needs to be typed in
> >as most input can be done by accepting the default.
> >
> >>Why not make it a live system that boots from cd/dvd/USB/sd with everything
> >>already configured and ready to run?
> >Live  CDs can be a PITA.. People have built them and they aon't setting
> >the world on fire.
> >You can make your own USB flash by following the instructions in the
> >FAQ (= same as install to the HD, just different HDD name.
> >
> >Installing in under 5 minutes is possible on a real drive - USB sticks
> >are much slower.
> >If I am doing a quick test I sometimes install to a real HDD on USB.
> >
> >Meanwhile go read the FAQ about installing and try it. Unless you are
> >an absolute dummy you should be able to absorb the instructions and do
> >the install.
> >
> >If you can't handle that, then OpenBSD is probably not for you and,
> >given some of the horrors in some Linux Live-CDs, you may be best to
> >stick to windows or mac.
> >
> >*** NOTE *** Please DO NOT CC me. I<am>  subscribed to the list.
> >Mail to the sender address that does not originate at the list server is 
> >tarpitted. The reply-to: address is provided for those who feel compelled to 
> >reply off list. Thankyou.
> >
> >Rod/
> >---
> >This life is not the real thing.
> >It is not even in Beta.
> >If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.
> >
> Thanks for the replies guys, I am not too worried about people being
> able to
> install OpenBSD the installer is quick and fairly painless in my
> opinion. I think
> I am going to stick to simply writing a script that people can run
> after installing
> OpenBSD.

The right way would be to port that thing.
Then you can have them just 'pkg_add thatthing'.

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