Crookedmaze wrote:
On 02/10/2013 06:47 PM, Rod Whitworth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:09:56 -0600, Maximo Pech wrote:
Well, installing openbsd is not what I'd call easy for people with few
technical skills.
Crap! It is well documented and very little data needs to be typed in
as most input can be done by accepting the default.
If you need OpenBSD you have the technical skills to install it or you know 
(and possibly pay) someone who does.

OpenBSD, which is 20-ish years old now, was designed and is designed and apparently always will be designed for those who have the technical skills.
If no, there is always Linux.

Jack Woehr               # "We commonly say we have no time when,
Box 51, Golden CO 80402  #  of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

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