If you think you can implement OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi machine, shut
up and hack.  Then, make the result fit with the OpenBSD policy
statements in http://www.openbsd.org/goals.html and
THEN talk about it.

If you can't do it, no point talking about it.  OpenBSD Developers have
made their opinions on this system quite clear.

If you look at what NetBSD and FreeBSD are saying about their Raspberry
Pi support, it doesn't look at all "Ready for use" -- NetBSD doesn't
seem to have any useful I/O (i.e., USB, network), and doesn't list it on
their platform port pages.  FreeBSD is not self-supporting, and the
information about it seems to be only in blogs, not the main freebsd
website (type "Raspberry" into their search box).

The Raspberry Pi people have not seemed overly cooperative with people
wishing to port other OSs to their platform, which is, of course, their
right...but it is also our right to not show great interest in the
system for that reason.


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