USB2-to-RJ45 can not be a high perf. solution.
As for an arcade-box and siri proxy - sure it handles what is should.

Is "OpenBSD on RaspPi" yet another port to get abandoned in near future?(If 
this port will be done)
Is it worth to put a manpower on it?

As far as I know(and I know a little) there is high-end x86-based hw just 
waiting for the right man
with time to step in and get its drivers fixed.

And I'm not even talking about "soon to be materialized" ARM-based server 
machines in pipe…..


On 31 dec 2012, at 11:56, Brad Smith <> wrote:

> ----- Original message -----
>> Because I don't see it handle pressure…..
>> Sure arcade and siri proxy are fun, but x86-based hw for those same
>> tasks is probably out there….
> You're making assumptions without knowing what the user is doing with the 
> hardware.
> -- 
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> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.

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