On 12/31/12 14:17, BARDOU Pierre wrote:
> I would be very interested by an OpenBSD port too.
> Usage : home router with firewall, DNS and DHCP.
> I am looking into FreeBSD and NetBSD ports, but I would prefer to have
> the latest PF and OpenSSH versions... plus I am more used to OpenBSD
> and I like using it
> If somebody knows X86 hardware able to do the same (routing/firewlling
> 20 mbps traffic, VLAN, fits in a tiny box, power consumption below 5W,
> price around 50$) as the raspberry I am interested BTW.

A lot of different embedded devices which base on x86 cpus, just ask the
web search engine of your trust. It will be hard to get it for "only"
$50. But paying some more bucks for a system which fits the needs is
justified in my opinion.

My personal favorites are the boxes from this small company in Switzerland:


BTW: The RPI as a system looks like a very compact streaming client to
me (honestly, which firewall needs a HDMI port?). If I would want to run
a streaming client with a freely available OS OpenBSD is not my first
choice. Don't get me wrong, I love OpenBSD. But not every OS available
is the right choice for every job. Although some folks selling (and even
some developing) products basing on the Linux kernel try to tell you
this about their products.


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