On 06/10/2012 12:45 PM, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 11:50 AM, carlopmart<carlopm...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 06/10/2012 10:46 AM, Richard Toohey wrote:
On 10/06/2012, at 8:25 PM, carlopmart wrote:
On 06/09/2012 12:56 PM, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
On Sat, Jun 09, 2012 at 12:36:19PM +0200, carlopmart wrote:
On 06/09/2012 12:21 PM, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
On Sat, Jun 09, 2012 at 11:48:29AM +0200, carlopmart wrote:
Hi all,
How can I disable sndiod process?? I have configured under rc.conf:
the recommended way to disable it by adding:
in /etc/rc.conf.local
but every time host is rebooted, sndiod starts ... Why??
indeed, it shouldn't start. May be you've multiple sndiod_flags
definitions, or your setting is overriden in rc.conf.local or
whatever else.
-- Alexandre
Nop, I don't have a rc.conf.local file ..
so, just do:
echo 'sndiod_flags=NO'>/etc/rc.conf.local
see rc.conf(5) man page as well.
-- Alexandre
Ok, I have restored original rc.conf file, and created rc.conf.local with
my options ... and works.
But then a doubt emerges. What files are not recommended to touch between
upgrades? Where can I found this info??
You didn't find this?
• /etc/rc.conf - Configuration file used by /etc/rc to set startup
parameters for the system. Should not be edited.
• /etc/rc.conf.local - Configuration file that overrides settings in
/etc/rc.conf so you don't have to touch /etc/rc.conf itself, which is
important when upgrading your system.
Yes I see this previosuly ... But exists another file apart of rc.conf??
Everything is in man rc on OpenBSD. On other systems it may differ
(and differ on a lot of them) so you need to read their docs.
Ok, I will try to explian: I have used OpenBSD until 4.0 version ..
After this, I have to use another OSes to accomplish my needs (freebsd,
solaris, AIX, linux, windows server, etc)... Until now, that I can use
OpenBSD another time ...
In those days (versions 2.x and 3.x until 4.0 version) you can modify
rc.conf for soft base and use rc.conf.local (if I remember well in 3.x
versions) for local processes,and faq recomends to do this in this way
... and in man page it doesn't says nothing about "Configuration file
used by /etc/rc to set startup parameters for the system. Should not be
edited" in those days ...
Yes, maybe I need to update my knowledge about OpenBSD, but I think it
is normal for a person who had previously used, that the configuration
of rc.conf went in the same manner (without having to read the man
page). Or not?
After all is not too complex to understand how rc.conf works.
Another thing is how I need to configure pf rules ...
CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com