Marc wrote:
> > > the reason why i like it is precisely because it's simple and doesn't
> > > come with tons of features that change all of the time, it's the same
> > > look & feel on all systems I use, and has been like that for years.

That is true for me, too.
I don't use any pointing devices for normal workflow at all,
only if i have to enter web-browser, PDF-viewer or if i go
audacity, so i'm thankful this is so easily possible with ahwm.
And i require my ALT-TAB with it's *natural* flow.  (IMHO.)

(To be honest - on this MacBook i sometimes enjoy the touchpad:
gestures are fat on the code side, but fingertipping is a sensual
experience for sure..
Must be a bit of the usual 1st world megalomania - *everything*,
and at your fingertip..)

Anyway, i was happy that i've found ahwm, as i had kinda
frustrating experiences using fvwm*, icewm and the others i tried.
And it has a real documentation, that was not self-evident at that
time.  And it worked the way it should right away.
(And when there's nothing, there's nothing you can run from.)

It would be a pity if such a good piece of software would get lost.
I remember reading an article in the german computer magazine c't
around year 2000 (something) about a (Mac) text editor named
Pepper, and it was a rather enthusiastic report.
Then, once i got this MacBook in 2009, i searched the internet
- and it was *all gone*!  No executable, no code, nowhere.

Amit wrote:
> > Yes, I concur with this sentiment. Having tried many WMs, and doing
> > repetitive wiping of installs/port building that you eventually want
> > stability and not go hunting why this or that broke. It just diverts
> > your time away from your planned work for that day. So I now use the
> > default fvwm like Marc says he does, but I am looking for a very fast
> > compiled lightweight WM, and will try out the alternatives :-)

Having had no contact to port stuff yet, i'll try to provide the
ahwm package as fast as possible, for you to try ,-
I looked for a nice stub template and found one in jwm, so maybe
it'll do without reading all the port documentation beforehand.

Brett wrote:
> Joe's Window Manager is fast to compile. I've been using for a few months and 
> have not noticed any bugs. The config file is in xml and easy to set up, and 
> very flexible. Combined with dmenu you can setup a system for fast workflow. 
> It is stacked, not tiling, though, so maybe some programmers might not like 
> that aspect.

1.6 MB screenshot. XML configuration.
Hey, Joe.
Oh!  That's jwm!

Forza Figa!

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