Brett wrote:
>>> bleh ... it does what it advertizes and works pretty fine, I've
>>> used it for years and the fact that it's a "stone age" version
>>> does not prevent me from working with it both at home & at work.
>>> the reason why i like it is precisely because it's simple and
>>> doesn't come with tons of features that change all of the time,
>>> it's the same look & feel on all systems I use, and has been like
>>> that for years.
>> Yes, I concur with this sentiment. Having tried many WMs, and doing
>> repetitive wiping of installs/port building that you eventually
>> want stability and not go hunting why this or that broke. It just
>> diverts your time away from your planned work for that day. So I
>> now use the default fvwm like Marc says he does, but I am looking
>> for a very fast compiled lightweight WM, and will try out the
>> alternatives :-)
> Joe's Window Manager is fast to compile. I've been using for a few
> months and have not noticed any bugs. The config file is in xml and
> easy to set up, and very flexible. Combined with dmenu you can setup
> a system for fast workflow. It is stacked, not tiling, though, so
> maybe some programmers might not like that aspect.

I use twm (with a few initial settings made in the late 90s)
more then 10 years (!), it fits all my needs at work and at home

Alexei Malinin

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