On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 09:42:53AM -0500, Matthew Weigel wrote:
> On 8/28/2011 10:50 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 05:00:46PM +0200, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> >> (and main link which caused that
> >> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-arch/2011-August/011412.html)
> > 
> > This link makes me a little sad. I don't quite get why that guy mentions
> > that FreeBSD ports has problems, but then mentions only the netbsd work,
> > and blatantly ignores our tools, even though they solve most of the problems
> > he has...
> They would have to reintroduce Perl into base in order to borrow any code
> from OpenBSD ports, though.  If there was will to do that, they probably
> wouldn't have taken Perl out in the first place.

It looks a bit like "lalala, I can't hear you". At least a mention of why
he doesn't consider OpenBSD pkg_add would be honest...

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