Marc Espie wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 01:13:14PM +0400, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
> > On Sunday 28 August 2011 19:50:51 Marc Espie wrote:
> > > On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 05:00:46PM +0200, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> > > > (and main link which caused that
> > > >
> > > >tml)
> > >
> > > This link makes me a little sad. I don't quite get why that guy
> > > mentions that FreeBSD ports has problems, but then mentions only the
> > > netbsd work, and blatantly ignores our tools, even though they solve
> > > most of the problems he has...
> >
> > This man thinks that OpenBSD will die sooner or later. I've already had
> > many talks with him... He is an expirienced man, though.
> This kind of thinking gets more and more irrational as time passes and
> we're still not dead. ;-)

Well spoken.

For me, OpenBSD is clear with goals (
and strong with following them as time passes.

Compare to NetBSD/FreeBSD goals.

1) first of all, one needs to Google to find goals:

2) after reading, one realizes:
* NetBSD/FreeBSD goals are too general (I'd say "amorphous");
* NetBSD/FreeBSD goals give no clear understanding "am I in target
audience or not" (while OpenBSD goals clearly emphasize on security).

To one surprise, even making of CD release is not NetBSD/FreeBSD goal.

So, for me, NetBSD/FreeBSD either have controversial goals from very
beginning, or lost their tracks in the middle.

For example, in a short-term perspective, nurturing proprietary drivers
infrastructure can attract more people and user base can grow. But in a
long-term perspective this approach will fail since overall contribution to
BSD ecosystem is very minimal (compare with OpenBSD constantly
pushing on vendors to open, eo ipso contributing to whole BSD world).

OpenSSH is well-known for contributing not only to BSD world, but all
major Unix/Linux and proprietary products like HP switches.

NetBSD/FreeBSD people discussing "strategy adoption" plans without
having an agreement on primary goals. I do believe this is bad practice.


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