On Wednesday 17 August 2005 09:48 am, Will H. Backman wrote:
> > I have the following line in my crontab '(/usr/src/ && cvs -q update
> -PAd
> > -rOPENBSD_3_7)'  If there are any updates, cron will email them to you
> > (cron
> > automattically emails any output to the user that owns the cron job,
> so
> > setup
> > your aliases and optionally your .forward file)
> I'm curious about the cvs options, specifically the -A.  The FAQ's don't
> use it in their examples.  Is the -A flag preferred?  I can see why it
> might be according to the cvs man page.

The -A option resets any tags, so you have to remember to specify the revision 
each time you run CVS.  It is found in the section for the update command.

Tim Donahue

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