* Will H. Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-17 20:18]:
> > Best???? Who quantifies what makes the "best" backup system.  I gave
> you
> > one
> > option which will rapidly get your system running after something like
> a
> > HD
> > failure or a fat-fingered 'rm -rf /*' instead of 'rm -rf ./*'.
> Sorry.  I shouldn't have used the word "Best".  What I am looking to do
> with this thread is to bring out some working options from the OpenBSD
> community and perhaps find some consensus around a simple and robust way
> to maintain OpenBSD systems.  In the end, I'd like to produce a simple
> list of steps that anyone can follow, based on tools in the base system.

like, reading the dump and restore manpages?

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