On Wednesday 17 August 2005 12:59 pm, Will H. Backman wrote:
> > > 2. Disaster Recovery:  Dump and Restore, or make a tar file for use
> as
> > > an install set?
> >
> > make a release for every upgrade (-stable) you do, add your packages
> > to sitexx.tgz. backup your data and config files regularly.
> OK.  Looking at the release(8) man page...yikes!  Is this really the
> best way to start backing up an OpenBSD system?

Best???? Who quantifies what makes the "best" backup system.  I gave you one 
option which will rapidly get your system running after something like a HD 
failure or a fat-fingered 'rm -rf /*' instead of 'rm -rf ./*'.  You need to 
decide which method works "best" for you, for me it was the sitexx.tgz with 
the newly installed system and tar archives of the latest and greatest 
configuration.  For you, you might want to keep a DLT tape with the packages 
you install, the release you installed, and a cpio archive of the 
configs/data.  Or you may not even care about the installed system/packages 
and may just want to keep the configs/data that you need should disaster 
strike.  This is all subjective and needs to be reviewed based upon your 
company's requirements or personal need.

Tim Donahue

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