sorry, replying to my own posting. 

you will find some interesting thoughts on server maintenance on

On 8/17/05, knitti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/16/05, Will H. Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2. Disaster Recovery:  Dump and Restore, or make a tar file for use as
> > an install set?
> make a release for every upgrade (-stable) you do, add your packages
> to sitexx.tgz. backup your data and config files regularly.

forgot to say: restore via install of your release and restore your backup.

> personally, I want to know when my servers reboot, so I won't automate
> a reboot at all. check, whether your build went fine an schedule a
> reboot for the next night, or do it manually.

this of course depends, what your servers are like, and how many you have. 
if you have a couple of very different installations, it's probably
to do some things manually. if you have identical servers, it makes sense 
to automate things. you have just to make reasonably sure, that every step 
before the reboot really does yield the result you expect to proceed.


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