Jason, this isn't an openbsd issue. it's a spews issue.

        Like I said, personally, I've just stopped using
spews[12]. they've gotten too aggressive. Before there were any
other options this might have made sense. Now there are, and imnso
this level of baby-in-bathwater chucking is simply not worth it. 

        Along with the next round of spamd changes, I will probably remove
the spews examples, just because I'm sick to death of hearing about
this too :)


* Jason Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-06-29 08:32]:
> On 6/29/05, Matthew S Elmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Probably because a very high percentage of spam comes from comcast IP
> > space. Their customer base is completely clueless. If someone is
> Just because I have comcast doesn't make me clueless. Trust me, I'd go
> with another provider, but they are the ONLY cable internet provider
> in the baltimore area, and the price to bandwidth ratio is better than
> dsl, as the fastest dst I can get is under 1mbps.
> > complaining, tell them to send through a non blacklisted SMTP server.
> So just because I'm too poor to get a colocated server, if I want to
> run my own mail server, I'm just shit out of luck? That seems
> unacceptable to me. The ability to run an email server shouldn't be in
> direct relation to how much money I make, which I thought was part of
> the point to OpenBSD, free. Any residential ISP will have customers
> that have no clue, because most people just don't need (or feel they
> don't need) to know much at all about computers, but I shouldn't have
> to suffer because of their ignorance (and yours).
> > That IP space is in the list for a reason.
> Because almost everyone (not just us stupid comcast customers) has
> made spam profitable, so it has now flourished. If people didn't make
> spam profitable, it would go away. Education is a much needed step,
> but it seems you would rather shut us dumb comcast customers off from
> the internet and wash your hands of it.
> > 
> > On Jun 29, 2005, at 12:23 AM, eric wrote:
> > 
> > > Has anyone notice a huge amount of problems with spamd(8) and
> > > Comcast/ATT
> > > Worldnet Service mail servers? Seems that things like,
> > > and
> > > almost everything in 204.127 is in spews1.
> > >
> > > If anyone has a way around this (to only greylist the poor souls that
> > > use
> > > comcast), please lemme know. I'd love to continue using spews[12], but
> > > too
> > > many people complain.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > - Eric

Bob Beck                                   Computing and Network Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           University of Alberta
True Evil hides its real intentions in its street address.

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