Jason Crawford wrote:

So just because I'm too poor to get a colocated server, if I want to
run my own mail server, I'm just shit out of luck?


That seems unacceptable to me.

Life sucks.

Look, I do not want this to turn into a flamewar. Those are reserved for slashdot, not [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was not targeting you, nor did I mean to imply that if you are comcast customer, you are by assocation an idiot. I'm sure you will agree that the vast majority of comcast users are, however. This is why comcast (and other major providers, bellsouth, networktel, etc.) are the first to end up on spam blacklists.

I fight this stuff every day. It's an uphill battle, and with the current tools, sometimes heavyhanded blacklists are the only way to keep mail traffic at a reasonable level. You would be astounded at the amount of viruses and spam from trojaned broadband connections will affect a mail server hostings hundreds of virtual domains and thousands of users.

Unfortunately, there is no perfect compromise. If you find one, please let me know!


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