--On 01 June 2005 14:30 +0200, Markus Kolb wrote:

If OpenBSD.org guys think it is "bad behavior" to talk about
compilation limitations of OBSD then it is as oldfashioned as to
forbid women to go to work.

Like every project there are limited resources. There are some shared goals listed on <http://www.openbsd.org/goals.html>, none of which seem to really apply here.

OpenBSD works pretty well on 486-class systems without compiler flags, and if you need a system that's a bit faster, well, you can probably get one for the asking ... so what's the point in spending days, weeks, or months of work to gain a little more performance out of an old CPU? Especially when there's so much more interesting and useful work that could be done?

Of course, if you were to track down the problem, I'm sure you'd get a better reception...

<http://www.google.com/search?q=misc+marc+prev+more-more-more>, hit #1

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