Quoting Markus Kolb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> official offend those people. Where is your respect.

Respect? That is pretty rich. You come in here, challenge an OpenBSD
policy which strives for highest stability and then state:

"I don't want to ask OpenBSD.org-developers because they always think
they are right" and claim the stance to be "an unobjective evasion".

And you are asking where *my* respect is? Do a google search and you
will find that gcc optimization instability is NOT confined to OpenBSD.

> Think about it in real life. You are in a pub and discuss for example
> political stuff which the owner hears and doesn't like. Do this owner
> offend you or even kick you out of his pub? No.

Actually where I come from you could get kicked out of a pub for
wearing the wrong football jacket.

> You do it here.

No, I'm trying to tell you that you are wasting your own time, and the
time which anyone else here is willing to give you.

BTW, you are wearing the wrong jacket. Please get back into the taxi
and tell him that you want the Gentoo Players Association.

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