On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Markus Kolb wrote: > Otto Moerbeek wrote on Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 08:10:42 +0200: > > > > On Tue, 31 May 2005, Markus Kolb wrote: > > > > > And maybe you should return from anarchy to democracy a little bit. > > > > If have no idea what political term fits best, but OpenBSD is not a > > democracy. We value some people's opinions more than other people's. > > I don't belong to OpenBSD as a simple OpenBSD mailing list user. I have > the right of free speech and it doesn't matter if my speech is valued > bad or good but there is no basis to request me to stop writing about > OBSD related which doesn't offend against others rights.
If we feel that certain posts just add noise and nothing else, we say so. We are developers creating OpenBSD. We offer mailing lists to discuss OpenBSD related things. You can come and play, but we set the rules. > If OpenBSD.org guys think it is "bad behavior" to talk about compilation > limitations of OBSD then it is as oldfashioned as to forbid women to go > to work. This is not a moral issue. We just do not want to waste our time on useless things. -Otto