
On 2005.5.8, at 04:02 AM, Adam wrote:

On Fri, 6 May 2005 23:03:04 -0700
Ben Goren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And, truthfully, I just don't see the point behind it, either. It's
not like C# or Java is *that* much better than C or C++ or Perl or
Lisp or any of a dozen other languages that *aren't* encumbered. I
mean, sure, you could probably pick something to which Java is well
suited, and I certainly don't want to start a language flame war.

Actually, C# really is much better than other languages for what it does. Is there some other safe, garbage collected, high level language with performance anywhere close to C#?

I've heard the honeymoon is over and people are discovering C# is much like the marriage of Java, Borland Delphi, and MFC/MSVB/MSV(C)xxx that one would expect.

I suppose I should try it sometime. I'm not very motivated, however.

  And what exactly is
encumbering C#?  Its an ECMA standard, and you are free to write a BSD
licensed implimentation if you don't like the existing options.  That's
like saying C++ is encumbered because gcc is GPL and MS video studio is

They are. Microsoft inventing C# might be the best thing to happen to C++.

Of course, I don't think mono or java should be part of openbsd, I am
just pointing out that C# is an open standard.

Yeah, sure. But you can rest assured that if Microsoft says jump, the standard will jump.

But don't listen to me. I seem to have some sort of genetic bias. Put MSVisualStudio in front of me and I go into a MSVisualStupor. Guaranteed.

Joel Rees
Complaining about systems that are incomplete misses the point.
In this world, a system can't be perfect and useful at the same time.
Of course, there's no excuse for refusing to fix problems --
we'll never run out of problems.

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