The ones I found particularly interesting were these two:
Now I'm done with this thread.
-- Joel Rees If God had meant for us to not tweak our source code, He'd've given us Microsoft.
On 2005.5.9, at 10:57 AM, Adam wrote:
On Sun, 8 May 2005 22:25:54 +0100 Joseph Kiniry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually, C# really is much better than other languages for what it does. Is there some other safe, garbage collected, high level language with performance anywhere close to C#?
You mean, besides Java, Modula-III, OCaml, Haskell, Eiffel, Ada, Oberon, Lisp, and Python? (Before you respond, do a little research on language features and performance.)
While I guess I should have been a little more specific to only include languages that have enough libraries to be useful, and obviously purely functional languages aren't comparable, you ignoring the requirements I listed doesn't help things either. I mean seriously, on what planet exactly does python or java have performance close to C#?
And what exactly is encumbering C#? Its an ECMA standard, and you are free to write a BSD licensed implimentation if you don't like the existing options. That's like saying C++ is encumbered because gcc is GPL and MS video studio is proprietary.
No, it is like saying C++ is encumbered because Bell Labs has two dozen software patents on it, which they do not.
Guess what, EVERYTHING is patented. Start digging through US patents and you'll find out that your options are to not use computers in any fashion, or infringe on bogus patents.