Staples is where I buy mine!

Also, Google a program devede. I found a TomBoy note I wrote (back in 2009
I think) where I said I was using it.  I had gotten a missing episode of a
show I used to record back then from a friend & the lip-sync was way off.
I'm my note I had written devede was able to correct that & do some nice
title page work.

I'm afraid I don't do as much recording as back then, and with DVD+RWs
(from Staples) my Magnavox DVD recorder does well enough for me.
On Mar 14, 2016 9:34 PM, "James E. LaBarre" <> wrote:

> On 03/10/2016 05:28 PM, Wesley Peterson wrote:
>> I did some video editing on my linux box many years ago.  I've got a
>> Magnavox VHS/DVD recorder that allows me to copy a tape to a DVD.  I
>> start it, go to bed, I've got a DVD in the morning.
>> I would always record to DVD+RW DVDs as my Magnavox will let me edit the
>> contents to some extend (generate title pages, make commercials into
>> skipped chapters, etc.).
> That would require Staples to actually carry DVD+RW disks <g>.
> I took a couple of the DVDs I made and I tried some Linux editors on the
>> files that were on the DVD.  It was easy to copy the files from the DVD
>> the recorder burned and once I had those files on my Linux box I could
>> open them with ???Avidemux???
> Tried avidemux, it can't handle the extracted file if I try to run the
> disk through MakeMKV first, and also doesn't know how to extract the audio
> if I try working directly from the DVD.  OpenShot has been reported to
> work, but I've found it can't play the files (it shows the first frame
> only).  Mencoder and Ffmpeg will extract from the MKV, but both drop so
> many frames that the audio is way off by the end of the video.
> I'd go back to my original solution, which was to use a Dazzle DVC100
> (supposedly supported under Linux), but all I'm getting with that is the
> wrong screen ratio (green band across the bottom 1/4), monochrome-only
> image, and no audio.  Looked at the tutorial on the LinuxTV site, and the
> information on parameters, etc is lacking (it says "run XXX command to get
> the device values", but then doesn't show what the expected output should
> look like, so I don't know if I'm getting the right info or not).
> I'm about ready to take a sledgehammer to every computer in the house.
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