I was trying to digitize some VHS tapes at home. I have one of those Pinnacle DVC100 USB converters, but none of the Linux software I've looked at seems to want to record from it (I can see video from it, just can't record).

So instead I've been dumping tapes down to disk directly with a VHS deck attached to a DVD Recorder deck (in my case, a Toshiba D-R410KU). It makes usable disks, but if I'm digitizing a 2 1/2 hour movie, I have to set it to a 4-hour record time. a 96 minute film I would set to 2 hour recording. A tape with 2 23-minute episodes I set to one hour.

What I would like to do is dump the video down to my computer, and crop the files down to just the length of the actual movie, or in the case of 2 episodes, split them out to 2 files. Trying things like Openshot, which is supposed to do this. But it doesn't show me the image/video, which it's actually supposed to do (explicitly stated as such on various help pages). Tried this with a MKV file (extracted with MkaeMKV) and plain VOB files (made with vobcopy). Some of teh other linux video tools seem to be all about adding video effects, etc, and all I want to do is snip out pieces (especially if I wanted to start saving clips from old '120 Minutes' episodes).
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