On 03/10/2016 05:28 PM, Wesley Peterson wrote:
I did some video editing on my linux box many years ago.  I've got a
Magnavox VHS/DVD recorder that allows me to copy a tape to a DVD.  I
start it, go to bed, I've got a DVD in the morning.

I would always record to DVD+RW DVDs as my Magnavox will let me edit the
contents to some extend (generate title pages, make commercials into
skipped chapters, etc.).

That would require Staples to actually carry DVD+RW disks <g>.

I took a couple of the DVDs I made and I tried some Linux editors on the
files that were on the DVD.  It was easy to copy the files from the DVD
the recorder burned and once I had those files on my Linux box I could
open them with ???Avidemux???

Tried avidemux, it can't handle the extracted file if I try to run the disk through MakeMKV first, and also doesn't know how to extract the audio if I try working directly from the DVD. OpenShot has been reported to work, but I've found it can't play the files (it shows the first frame only). Mencoder and Ffmpeg will extract from the MKV, but both drop so many frames that the audio is way off by the end of the video.

I'd go back to my original solution, which was to use a Dazzle DVC100 (supposedly supported under Linux), but all I'm getting with that is the wrong screen ratio (green band across the bottom 1/4), monochrome-only image, and no audio. Looked at the tutorial on the LinuxTV site, and the information on parameters, etc is lacking (it says "run XXX command to get the device values", but then doesn't show what the expected output should look like, so I don't know if I'm getting the right info or not).

I'm about ready to take a sledgehammer to every computer in the house.

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