That's the problem.  Full time blocking would be a lot simpler.

There is no simple way to do this with mandatory ssl on youtube, modern
browsers doing dns caching, etc.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 4:32 PM James E. LaBarre <>

> On 11/24/2015 04:03 PM, Mike Kershaw wrote:
> > To nitpick - this has nothing to do with either arp or route, since arp
> > only applies to your local network and route only applies to the next
> hop.
> >
> > You're going to have a fundamental issue because google runs massive
> > server farms for these things, so there is nothing simple like blocking
> > one IP.
> >
> > Likely the only option is multifold:
> >
> > 1) Generate a self-signed CA
> > 2) Install it in all the browsers (or systems) in your network
> > 3) Force a mandatory http and https proxy
> >
> > Unfortunately this won't work with chrome (which detects cert
> > manipulation of google properties), and has massive security risks.
> >
> > You can't just use http blocking because google defaults everything to
> > HTTPS now.
> I'm not looking to do full-time blocking, just something I can switch on
> and off at the machine.  When homework & such is done, then other sites
> can go back on.  Heck, I'd just set it to only connect to the school
> site, but some assignments go to other educational sites.
> It's a quick and dirty fix for now, eventually will need some proper
> filtering (ugh, only 4 years until she's a teenager).  But that's an
> entirely different thread (and what wouldn't kill the performance on an
> old P4 linux laptop).
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