To nitpick - this has nothing to do with either arp or route, since arp only applies to your local network and route only applies to the next hop.
You're going to have a fundamental issue because google runs massive server farms for these things, so there is nothing simple like blocking one IP. Likely the only option is multifold: 1) Generate a self-signed CA 2) Install it in all the browsers (or systems) in your network 3) Force a mandatory http and https proxy Unfortunately this won't work with chrome (which detects cert manipulation of google properties), and has massive security risks. You can't just use http blocking because google defaults everything to HTTPS now. Short answer: There is no good solution here. On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 11:12 AM James E. LaBarre <> wrote: > I'm trying to set up a shell script (well 2 actually) for disabling and > re-enabling access to a particular domain. For switching it off/on I > simply swap in a different /etc/hosts file with a particular entry > commented out or active ( The > thing is, if the site is already open, the browser already knows the > route, so it doesn't immediately kill it. > > I tried adding "ip -s -s neigh flush all", but that still doesn't clear it. > _______________________________________________ > Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group > > > Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * > Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance > Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home > Automation Primer > Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out >
_______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation Primer Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out