On 11/24/2015 04:03 PM, Mike Kershaw wrote:
To nitpick - this has nothing to do with either arp or route, since arp
only applies to your local network and route only applies to the next hop.
You're going to have a fundamental issue because google runs massive
server farms for these things, so there is nothing simple like blocking
one IP.
Likely the only option is multifold:
1) Generate a self-signed CA
2) Install it in all the browsers (or systems) in your network
3) Force a mandatory http and https proxy
Unfortunately this won't work with chrome (which detects cert
manipulation of google properties), and has massive security risks.
You can't just use http blocking because google defaults everything to
HTTPS now.
I'm not looking to do full-time blocking, just something I can switch on
and off at the machine. When homework & such is done, then other sites
can go back on. Heck, I'd just set it to only connect to the school
site, but some assignments go to other educational sites.
It's a quick and dirty fix for now, eventually will need some proper
filtering (ugh, only 4 years until she's a teenager). But that's an
entirely different thread (and what wouldn't kill the performance on an
old P4 linux laptop).
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