On 11/08/2015 11:41 PM, Mark Wallace wrote:
It really comes off as being yesterday's skill.

A subscription to QEX would broaden your mind:

I admit to having difficulty following the math laid down in the articles describing recent advances in constrained-bandwidth voice & data encoding, but it ain't your grandfather's amateur radio and hasn't been for quite a while.

K1JT (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Hooton_Taylor,_Jr.) got a Nobel for his work on pulsars, but isn't above writing code that revolutionized amateur radio's weak signal communication ability, making moonbounce & meteor scatter links possible for folks with ordinary antennas and radios:


his system is useless if there is a power failure.

The volunteers always go out, but sometimes they don't come back:


That's what disaster preparedness really means, should you have the impression all hams are dilettantes yakking it up on 75 meters with boat anchor radios.

There is no harm in it but why?

My guess: the same impulse that drives otherwise sensible folks to install Tiny Core Linux or mess around with Slackware, when any fool knows Ubuntu + Unity is the future of Linux. [wince]

As far as amateur radio goes, anyone interested in getting an answer from someone with current knowledge should ask one of the (many) hams in the LUG or drop in on a Mt Beacon Amateur Radio Club meeting: http://wr2abb.org/home/. Each ham will have a different answer.

Or drop in at SqWr some Tuesday evenings, where the Mighty Thor has begun work on a fractal antenna and is even now trying to convince me of its bandwidth. At its largest extent, though, it won't pose any risk to his new neighbors...

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