This is amateur radio for those too young to know. It's like skype only
no video and you have to erect a tower to do it. If you are planning on
using it when the internet is down, you will need your own power source
because if the internet is down, there is a good chance that the
electric will be to.
The downside? If the tower that you build falls on your neighbor's land,
it might be lawsuit city. And your wife will do her regular evaluations
of your mental health.
On 11/07/2015 04:40 PM, japuzzo wrote:
Technician FCC Amateur Radio Licensing Class
11/21/2015 8am to 5pm ( $15 for exam )
Duchess County Sheriff in Poughkeepsie
Should really tell them your coming since space will be limited.
You can do a walk-in for the exam, but you need to contact them to
find out when to arrive.
With radios down to $35 on Amazon, and the test only $15 what's your
The more people with FCC Licences the better it is for all Makers and
Tinkerers! Join us!
KD2AKU saying 73's
/** Joseph T Apuzzo
** Developer, Admin: Cloud & Storage
** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF
** FingerPrint: 19A8 44EC F650 782B 6770 BF0E 2DAA 3D75 A16E 26CF
Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group
Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College *
Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance
Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation
Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out
Even a dead fish can go with the flow.
Robert Mark Wallace
60 Delaware Road
Newburgh, NY
Telephone: (845) 784-5790
Cellphone: (845) 670-9892
Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group
Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College *
Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance
Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation
Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out