The previous owner of my house had his amateur antenna fall onto his
neighbor's yard. It wasn't pretty. He sold and moved out of state
shortly thereafter.
On 11/07/2015 07:21 PM, Ed Nisley wrote:
On 11/07/2015 06:23 PM, rmarkwallace wrote:
only no video
you have to erect a tower
Replace that defunct TV antenna on your chimney or stick a J-pole in
the attic or ...
Plenty of options!
falls on your neighbor's land
Only if you ignore the usual tower construction guidelines. Mostly,
the side clearances ensure it will fall on /your/ house, making it
entirely your problem.
If you're in a development with HOA rules, you can't have outdoor
antennas anyway; see above for mounting suggestions.
regular evaluations of your mental health
And you think Linux geeks are saner, because ... ?
Even a dead fish can go with the flow.
Robert Mark Wallace
60 Delaware Road
Newburgh, NY
Telephone: (845) 784-5790
Cellphone: (845) 670-9892
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