On 11/11/2015 09:58 AM, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
I think there is a hunk missing about --enable-texture-float for
ARB_texture_float (and ultimately GL 3.0).

N/A; that option defines the TEXTURE_FLOAT_ENABLED symbol which is only
tested in _mesa_enable_sw_extensions().

util_format_is_supported(enum pipe_format format, unsigned bind)
    if (util_format_is_s3tc(format) && !util_format_s3tc_enabled) {
       return FALSE;

    if ((bind & PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET) &&
        format != PIPE_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_FLOAT &&
        format != PIPE_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT &&
        util_format_is_float(format)) {
       return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

Oops, I git-grep'd only src/mesa/. But in any case, we don't use util_format_is_supported() in the VMware driver and --enable-texture-float is not needed to get GL 3.3.


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