On 11/11/2015 08:44 AM, Emil Velikov wrote:
Hi Brian,

On 10 November 2015 at 16:48, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
On 11/09/2015 09:24 PM, Valera Rozuvan wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 4:13 AM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:

After running depmod, you probably need to update the initramfs with:
'sudo update-initramfs -u'


Hi Brian. First of all, thank you for your reply. I have tried your
suggestion on my working setup, and also doing everything again from
scratch. Basically, I get the same result - everything goes smoothly,
but in the end OpenGL is version 2.1. I even tried to run a simple
OpenGL 3.x program, and it crashes (simple OpenGL 2.1 program runs

Can you please spend an hour and try the instructions from

on a clean VMware Workstation
12 Player for Windows 64-bit (host), and Ubuntu 15.10 (guest)? It
would be very awesome if you can get OpenGL 3.x running in VMware 12,
and update the instructions. I am sure there is some critical piece

Thank you! = )

I've reviewed and updated the instructions at

In particular, the --libdir option is different for Ubuntu and I've updated
some info about installing the kernel module.

Let me know how that goes.

I think there is a hunk missing about --enable-texture-float for
ARB_texture_float (and ultimately GL 3.0).

N/A; that option defines the TEXTURE_FLOAT_ENABLED symbol which is only tested in _mesa_enable_sw_extensions().

I have seen similar type of documents in the past, most of which going
out of date very quickly due to distribution changes and/or others.
Wondering how you'll feel about "check your distro and add svga to the
gallium-drivers array" style of instructions ?

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you're saying there. Can you elaborate?

I'm not volunteering or
suggesting that one has to rewrite them, mostly curious.

Can you please sync the changes between mesa3d.org and the git repo.
Assuming only vmware-guest.html differs yet I've haven't checked the
rest bth.

I put the tentative updates on the website so that Valera could access them easily and test. Once they're confirmed to work, I'll commit the changes into the git tree. I figured that'd be easier for Valera to use than a patch against the html code.


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