Hi, I have been trying to follow the instructions from the page http://www.mesa3d.org/vmware-guest.html . My host OS is Windows 7, which has OpenGL 4.3 and DX11, my Guest OS is Ubuntu 15.10 with custom Linux kernel 4.3. Please see detailed output from various host Ubuntu subsystems at http://pastebin.com/Kukct9Xn . Also, I have dual GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M.
I have followed all of the instructions, but sill get OpenGL 2.1. What else can I try? By the way, on the page http://www.mesa3d.org/vmware-guest.html the step: sudo cp 00-vmwgfx.rules /etc/udev/rules.d can't be completed, because the file 00-vmwgfx.rules is not in the vmwgfx folder. I got this file from http://sourceforge.net/p/thinstation/thinstation-5/ci/c9c66d2e93fed90fa0c985df93adf3e66522bda5/tree/ts/5.2/packages/systemd/build/extra/etc/udev/rules.d/00-vmwgfx.rules . Is this acceptable? Also, the command "sudo depmod -ae" complains about improper command line options. Any input on my problem will be very welcome! Regards, Valera Rozuvan | http://valera.rozuvan.net/ Skype: valera.rozuvan E-mail: valera.rozu...@gmail.com Phone: +38 (050) 837-29-73
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