On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:11 PM, oscar bg <rtf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> seeing Mesa support up to GL4.3 is almost complete now would be nice if
> developers can implement some AZDO extensions which were released as
> optional ARB extensions in 2013 with GL4.4 release..
> With that GL Mesa implementation should be able to compete better with new
> Vulkan API coming soon..
> The most important to me seem:
> GL_ARB_sparse_texture
> GL_ARB_bindless_texture
> The canonical test seems to be:
> https://github.com/nvMcJohn/apitest
> of which also some tests use
> GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
> and not sure if
> GL_ARB_indirect_parameters
> also used..
> hope initially we can get implemented in i965 altough this will require BDW
> gen8 or Skylake gen9 graphics..
> Would be nice to hear about interest for implementing relatively soon (say
> this year?)

Are there any actual applications using these extensions? Some of
these are easier to implement (parameters), some of these are harder
(bindless), some extremely difficult (sparse).

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