On Sep 18, 2015 1:29 PM, "Kenneth Graunke" <kenn...@whitecape.org> wrote:
> On Friday, September 18, 2015 10:55:34 AM Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> > Um, why?  I'm sure you have some reason but I don't immediately see how
> > progress flag from lower_vec_to_movs is useful.  Some of the others
> > definitely are.
> > --Jason
> Sorry, I should have explained in at least one of the patches.
> I'm hoping to create an OPT() macro, similar to what we do for i965
> passes.  It would:
> 1. Run the pass.
> 2. Call nir_validate_shader() if we actually made any progress.
> 3. Optionally nir_print_shader() if we made any changes.
>    (i.e. let us do INTEL_DEBUG=optimizer but for NIR passes)
> I need to know whether a pass made progress in order to decide whether
> or not to dump the shader.  I might want to see the code before and
> after nir_lower_vec_to_movs().
> Also, having some passes return 'bool' and some return 'void' is
> awkward: I can't wrap void-return functions in the same sort of macro.

That makes sense. I think what I'd like to have is a data structure

nir_shader_pass {
   bool (*shader_func)(nir_shader *shader);
   bool (*impl_func)(nir_function_impl *impl);
   nir_metadata preserved;

Then have one of these exported per pass instead of the actual function or
functions.  Then we could have a helper function that runs the pass similar
to what the OPT macro would.  It could even be smart and, if you don't
provide a shader_func, it runs impl_func on each overload. Does that seem
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