On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Alejandro Piñeiro <apinhe...@igalia.com> wrote:
> On 13/07/15 16:26, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
>> > > > Go ahead and make it a cpp file if you have to.
>> > >
>> > > Ok, thanks.
>> > >
>> > > > Another option would
>> > > > be to do the map the other way: ir_opcode -> nir_tex_op and refactor
>> > > > the code to use the nir_tex_op.
>> > >
>> > > But even if we do the map in the other way, the helper function
>> would be
>> > > using the enum type defined at glsl/ir.h, so we would need to make
>> it a
>> > > cpp file in any case. So for now, I will keep things simple, and keep
>> > > the current mapping,  and do the change later.
>> >
>> > The difference is that, with the patch I sent a few hours ago, you
>> only need to do the conversion one place so there's no need for the
>> helper.
>> For whatever it's worth I'm also OK with just duplicating the 10/lines
>> of code to do the conversion and not bothering with the helper.
> I just realized that today Francisco Jerez mentioned that is working to
> remove the ir->nir texture op mapping on FS, replacing it with backend
> instruction opcode:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2015-July/088696.html
> So probably it would be better to wait for his change, and avoid the
> need of that mapping on the vec4 path too. That would remove the need of
> the helper function and the cpp renaming.
> That sounds ok or should we go on independently of Francisco's work?

I think it's probably best to just move foward with no assumptions of
code-sharing between vec4 and FS.
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