On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Jose Fonseca <jfons...@vmware.com> wrote:
> On 02/07/15 17:08, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:57 AM, Jose Fonseca <jfons...@vmware.com> wrote:
>>> On 02/07/15 16:34, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Jose Fonseca <jfons...@vmware.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 01/07/15 22:30, bugzilla-dae...@freedesktop.org wrote:> *Comment #
>>>>> 14
>>>>> <https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91173#c14>
>>>>>> on bug 91173 <https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91173> from
>>>>>> Ilia Mirkin <mailto:imir...@alum.mit.edu> *
>>>>>> Erm... ok...
>>>>>> MOV R0.zw, c[A0.x + 9];
>>>>>> MOV R1.x, c[0].w;
>>>>>> ADD R0.x, c[A0.x + 9].y, R1;
>>>>>> FLR R0.y, R0.x;
>>>>>> vs
>>>>>>      0: MAD TEMP[0].xy, IN[1], CONST[7].yyyy, CONST[7].xxxx
>>>>>>      3: MOV TEMP[0].zw, CONST[ADDR[0].x+9]
>>>>>>      7: FLR TEMP[0].y, CONST[0].wwww
>>>>>> Could be that I'm matching the wrong shaders. But this seems highly
>>>>>> suspect.
>>>>>> Need to see if there's a good way of dumping mesa ir... I wonder if it
>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>> notice the write-mask on the MOV R0.zw and thinks that R0 contains the
>>>>>> value it
>>>>>> wants.
>>>>> Nice detective work on this bug, Ilia.
>>>>>> Could be that I'm matching the wrong shaders.
>>>>> I think it could be quite useful if there was a
>>>>> "GL_MESAX_get_internal_representation" Mesa specific extension to
>>>>> extract
>>>>> a
>>>>> text representation of the current bound GLSL, TGSI, hardware speicfic,
>>>>> etc,
>>>>> exclusively for debugging purposes.
>>>>> It doesn't even need to be advertised on non-debug builds of Mesa.  But
>>>>> merely being able to see next to each other all the IRs at a given call
>>>>> in a
>>>>> trace, will probably save some time / grief for us developers on
>>>>> similar
>>>>> situations.
>>>>> I did something akin to this for NVIDIA prioprietary drivers on
>>>>> https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace/commit/49192a4e48d080e44a0d66f059e6897f07cf67f8
>>>>> but I don't think GetProgramBinary is apropriate for Mesa (only one
>>>>> format.)
>>>>> Instead, for Mesa we could have something like
>>>>>      GLint n;
>>>>>      // this will trigget IRs being collected into an array internally
>>>>>      glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_ACTIVE_IRS, &n);
>>>>>      for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
>>>>>          GLint nameLength;
>>>>>          char *name;
>>>>>          GLint sourceLength;
>>>>>          char *source;
>>>>>          glGetActiveInternalRepr(&nameLength, NULL, &sourceLength,
>>>>> NULL);
>>>>>          name = malloc(nameLength)
>>>>>          source = malloc(sourceLength)
>>>>>          glGetActiveInternalRepr(NULL, name, NULL, source);
>>>>>      }
>>>>> And this would need to be plumbed through all the way inside the
>>>>> drivers,
>>>>> each layer would  advertise additional IRs.
>>>>> And the information here would only be obtainable/valid immediately
>>>>> after
>>>>> a
>>>>> draw call.
>>>>> A completely different tack, is that apitrace's glretrace would
>>>>> advertise
>>>>> an
>>>>> unique environment variable (e.g,MESA_IR_DUMP_ALL=fd), and all
>>>>> drivers/layers would write shaders repres, and when they are
>>>>> bound/unbound/destroyed on  a preestablished format:
>>>>> CREATE "GLSL/123"
>>>>> ...
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> CREATE TGSI/456
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> BIND GLSL/123
>>>>> BIND TGSI/456
>>>>> BIND HW/789
>>>>> UNBIND GLSL/123
>>>>> UNBIND TGSI/456
>>>>> UNBIND HW/789
>>>>> DESTROY GLSL/123
>>>>> DESTROY TGSI/456
>>>>> DESTROY HW/789
>>>>> I don't feel strongly either way, but I suspect that having a proper
>>>>> extension, even if a little more work at start, will be more robust on
>>>>> the
>>>>> long term.  And less runtime overhead.  GL extensions also give a
>>>>> mechanism
>>>>> to revise/deprecate this functionality in the future.
>>>> This would still require fairly extensive changes as you'd have to
>>>> track all the bindings together.
>>> Really? I don't think so.  Which alternative are you referring to?
>> The MESA_IR_DUMP_ALL=fd thing. You can't just have a single ID for the
>> TGSI/HW as it might change based on other states. By the time you get
>> it sufficiently robust, you might as well do the GL extension.
>>> Yet another option would be to provide a callback
>>>    typedef void (*GLircallbackMESA)(const char *name, const char *body);
>>>    void glGetActiveInternalReprMesa(GLircallbackMESA callback);
>>> and basically each layer would dump the IRs, and invoke the downstream
>>> layers with the same callback.
>> What "name" would the driver supply here? And how would you link
>> things up together?
> Giving llvmpipe example, which I'm more familiar,
>  - src/mesa/state_tracKer would invoke with "state_tracker/tgsi/{vs,fs}"
> and "glsl-ir/{vs,fs}"
>  - and invoke pipe_context::get_active_ir (callback) if the pipe driver
> implements it
>  - src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe would invoke with
>    - "llvmpipe/tgsi/{vs,fs}" (which might differ from the state tracker due
> to draw module
>    - "llvmpipe/llvm/{vs,fs,setup}_{full,partial}"
>    - and maybe even "llvmpipe/x86/{vs,fs}
> The idea is that this glGetActiveInternalReprMesa() call dumps what's active
> _now_, which is only makes sense immediately after draw calls. So the only
> thing the drivers need to do is dump what they see bound.

Ah OK. So I guess tilers will have to disable their render queues for
this one. Which seems like a reasonable trade-off...

One issue is that this won't capture "internal" renders that happen on
blit/drawpixels/readpixels/etc, but those are less interesting.

Now I see what you meant about keeping the various IR's around for
this one, that might be more painful. But they could easily dump
strings into a buffer associated with that object.

This seems pretty reasonable in principle. Of course more experienced
GL people should probably take a look :)

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