From: Chris Forbes <>

Marek: require a tess eval shader if a tess control shader is present
 src/glsl/link_interface_blocks.cpp |  11 +-
 src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp         |  10 +-
 src/glsl/linker.cpp                | 280 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/link_interface_blocks.cpp 
index 07f5b42..dbcff4f 100644
--- a/src/glsl/link_interface_blocks.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/link_interface_blocks.cpp
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ intrastage_match(interface_block_definition *a,
  * Check if two interfaces match, according to interstage (in/out) interface
  * matching rules.
- * If \c extra_array_level is true, then vertex-to-geometry shader matching
- * rules are enforced (i.e. a successful match requires the consumer interface
- * to be an array and the producer interface to be a non-array).
+ * If \c extra_array_level is true, the consumer interface is required to be
+ * an array and the producer interface is required to be a non-array.
+ * This is used for tessellation control and geometry shader consumers.
 interstage_match(const interface_block_definition *producer,
@@ -313,7 +313,10 @@ validate_interstage_inout_blocks(struct gl_shader_program 
                                  const gl_shader *consumer)
    interface_block_definitions definitions;
-   const bool extra_array_level = consumer->Stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY;
+   /* VS -> GS, VS -> TCS, VS -> TES, TES -> GS */
+   const bool extra_array_level = (producer->Stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX &&
+                                   consumer->Stage != MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) ||
+                                  consumer->Stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY;
    /* Add input interfaces from the consumer to the symbol table. */
    foreach_in_list(ir_instruction, node, consumer->ir) {
diff --git a/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp b/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
index c8f1bb9..373d337 100644
--- a/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ cross_validate_types_and_qualifiers(struct 
gl_shader_program *prog,
    /* Check that the types match between stages.
    const glsl_type *type_to_match = input->type;
-   if (consumer_stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY) {
-      assert(type_to_match->is_array()); /* Enforced by ast_to_hir */
+   /* VS -> GS, VS -> TCS, VS -> TES, TES -> GS */
+   const bool extra_array_level = (producer_stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX &&
+                                   consumer_stage != MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) ||
+                                  consumer_stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY;
+   if (extra_array_level) {
+      assert(type_to_match->is_array());
       type_to_match = type_to_match->fields.array;
    if (type_to_match != output->type) {
       /* There is a bit of a special case for gl_TexCoord.  This
        * built-in is unsized by default.  Applications that variable
diff --git a/src/glsl/linker.cpp b/src/glsl/linker.cpp
index 9978380..49a88b9 100644
--- a/src/glsl/linker.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/linker.cpp
@@ -250,6 +250,53 @@ public:
+class tess_eval_array_resize_visitor : public ir_hierarchical_visitor {
+   unsigned num_vertices;
+   gl_shader_program *prog;
+   tess_eval_array_resize_visitor(unsigned num_vertices, gl_shader_program 
+   {
+      this->num_vertices = num_vertices;
+      this->prog = prog;
+   }
+   virtual ~tess_eval_array_resize_visitor()
+   {
+      /* empty */
+   }
+   virtual ir_visitor_status visit(ir_variable *var)
+   {
+      if (!var->type->is_array() || var->data.mode != ir_var_shader_in || 
+         return visit_continue;
+      var->type = glsl_type::get_array_instance(var->type->fields.array,
+                                                this->num_vertices);
+      var->data.max_array_access = this->num_vertices - 1;
+      return visit_continue;
+   }
+   /* Dereferences of input variables need to be updated so that their type
+    * matches the newly assigned type of the variable they are accessing. */
+   virtual ir_visitor_status visit(ir_dereference_variable *ir)
+   {
+      ir->type = ir->var->type;
+      return visit_continue;
+   }
+   /* Dereferences of 2D input arrays need to be updated so that their type
+    * matches the newly assigned type of the array they are accessing. */
+   virtual ir_visitor_status visit_leave(ir_dereference_array *ir)
+   {
+      const glsl_type *const vt = ir->array->type;
+      if (vt->is_array())
+         ir->type = vt->fields.array;
+      return visit_continue;
+   }
  * Visitor that determines the highest stream id to which a (geometry) shader
  * emits vertices. It also checks whether End{Stream}Primitive is ever called.
@@ -1350,6 +1397,167 @@ private:
    hash_table *unnamed_interfaces;
+ * Performs the cross-validation of tessellation control shader vertices and
+ * layout qualifiers for the attached tessellation control shaders,
+ * and propagates them to the linked TCS and linked shader program.
+ */
+static void
+link_tcs_out_layout_qualifiers(struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+                             struct gl_shader *linked_shader,
+                             struct gl_shader **shader_list,
+                             unsigned num_shaders)
+   linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut = 0;
+   if (linked_shader->Stage != MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL)
+      return;
+   /* From the GLSL 4.0 spec (chapter
+    *
+    *     "All tessellation control shader layout declarations in a program
+    *      must specify the same output patch vertex count.  There must be at
+    *      least one layout qualifier specifying an output patch vertex count
+    *      in any program containing tessellation control shaders; however,
+    *      such a declaration is not required in all tessellation control
+    *      shaders."
+    */
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) {
+      struct gl_shader *shader = shader_list[i];
+      if (shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut != 0) {
+        if (linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut != 0 &&
+            linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut != 
shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut) {
+           linker_error(prog, "tessellation control shader defined with "
+                        "conflicting output vertex count (%d and %d)\n",
+                        linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut,
+                        shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut);
+           return;
+        }
+        linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut = shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Just do the intrastage -> interstage propagation right now,
+    * since we already know we're in the right type of shader program
+    * for doing it.
+    */
+   if (linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut == 0) {
+      linker_error(prog, "tessellation control shader didn't declare "
+                  "vertices out layout qualifier\n");
+      return;
+   }
+   prog->TessCtrl.VerticesOut = linked_shader->TessCtrl.VerticesOut;
+ * Performs the cross-validation of tessellation evaluation shader
+ * primitive type, vertex spacing, ordering and point_mode layout qualifiers
+ * for the attached tessellation evaluation shaders, and propagates them
+ * to the linked TES and linked shader program.
+ */
+static void
+link_tes_in_layout_qualifiers(struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+                               struct gl_shader *linked_shader,
+                               struct gl_shader **shader_list,
+                               unsigned num_shaders)
+   linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode = PRIM_UNKNOWN;
+   linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing = 0;
+   linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder = 0;
+   linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode = -1;
+   if (linked_shader->Stage != MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL)
+      return;
+   /* From the GLSL 4.0 spec (chapter
+    *
+    *     "At least one tessellation evaluation shader (compilation unit) in
+    *      a program must declare a primitive mode in its input layout.
+    *      Declaration vertex spacing, ordering, and point mode identifiers is
+    *      optional.  It is not required that all tessellation evaluation
+    *      shaders in a program declare a primitive mode.  If spacing or
+    *      vertex ordering declarations are omitted, the tessellation
+    *      primitive generator will use equal spacing or counter-clockwise
+    *      vertex ordering, respectively.  If a point mode declaration is
+    *      omitted, the tessellation primitive generator will produce lines or
+    *      triangles according to the primitive mode."
+    */
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) {
+      struct gl_shader *shader = shader_list[i];
+      if (shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode != PRIM_UNKNOWN) {
+        if (linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode != PRIM_UNKNOWN &&
+            linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode != 
shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode) {
+           linker_error(prog, "tessellation evaluation shader defined with "
+                        "conflicting input primitive modes.\n");
+           return;
+        }
+        linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode = shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode;
+      }
+      if (shader->TessEval.Spacing != 0) {
+        if (linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing != 0 &&
+            linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing != shader->TessEval.Spacing) {
+           linker_error(prog, "tessellation evaluation shader defined with "
+                        "conflicting vertex spacing.\n");
+           return;
+        }
+        linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing = shader->TessEval.Spacing;
+      }
+      if (shader->TessEval.VertexOrder != 0) {
+        if (linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder != 0 &&
+            linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder != 
shader->TessEval.VertexOrder) {
+           linker_error(prog, "tessellation evaluation shader defined with "
+                        "conflicting ordering.\n");
+           return;
+        }
+        linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder = shader->TessEval.VertexOrder;
+      }
+      if (shader->TessEval.PointMode != -1) {
+        if (linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode != -1 &&
+            linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode != shader->TessEval.PointMode) {
+           linker_error(prog, "tessellation evaluation shader defined with "
+                        "conflicting point modes.\n");
+           return;
+        }
+        linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode = shader->TessEval.PointMode;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Just do the intrastage -> interstage propagation right now,
+    * since we already know we're in the right type of shader program
+    * for doing it.
+    */
+   if (linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode == PRIM_UNKNOWN) {
+      linker_error(prog,
+                  "tessellation evaluation shader didn't declare input "
+                  "primitive modes.\n");
+      return;
+   }
+   prog->TessEval.PrimitiveMode = linked_shader->TessEval.PrimitiveMode;
+   if (linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing == 0)
+      linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing = GL_EQUAL;
+   prog->TessEval.Spacing = linked_shader->TessEval.Spacing;
+   if (linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder == 0)
+      linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder = GL_CCW;
+   prog->TessEval.VertexOrder = linked_shader->TessEval.VertexOrder;
+   if (linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode == -1)
+      linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode = GL_FALSE;
+   prog->TessEval.PointMode = linked_shader->TessEval.PointMode;
  * Performs the cross-validation of layout qualifiers specified in
  * redeclaration of gl_FragCoord for the attached fragment shaders,
@@ -1696,6 +1904,8 @@ link_intrastage_shaders(void *mem_ctx,
    ralloc_steal(linked, linked->UniformBlocks);
    link_fs_input_layout_qualifiers(prog, linked, shader_list, num_shaders);
+   link_tcs_out_layout_qualifiers(prog, linked, shader_list, num_shaders);
+   link_tes_in_layout_qualifiers(prog, linked, shader_list, num_shaders);
    link_gs_inout_layout_qualifiers(prog, linked, shader_list, num_shaders);
    link_cs_input_layout_qualifiers(prog, linked, shader_list, num_shaders);
@@ -1872,6 +2082,34 @@ update_array_sizes(struct gl_shader_program *prog)
+ * Resize tessellation evaluation per-vertex inputs to the size of
+ * tessellation control per-vertex outputs.
+ */
+static void
+resize_tes_inputs(struct gl_context *ctx,
+                  struct gl_shader_program *prog)
+   if (prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] == NULL)
+      return;
+   gl_shader *const tcs = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL];
+   gl_shader *const tes = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL];
+   /* If no control shader is present, then the TES inputs are statically
+    * sized to MaxPatchVertices; the actual size of the arrays won't be
+    * known until draw time.
+    */
+   const int num_vertices = tcs
+      ? tcs->TessCtrl.VerticesOut
+      : ctx->Const.MaxPatchVertices;
+   tess_eval_array_resize_visitor input_resize_visitor(num_vertices, prog);
+   foreach_in_list(ir_instruction, ir, tes->ir) {
+      ir->accept(&input_resize_visitor);
+   }
  * Find a contiguous set of available bits in a bitmask.
  * \param used_mask     Bits representing used (1) and unused (0) locations
@@ -2797,7 +3035,7 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
    prog->Version = max_version;
    prog->IsES = is_es_prog;
-   /* Geometry shaders have to be linked with vertex shaders.
+   /* Some shaders have to be linked with some other shaders present.
    if (num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY] > 0 &&
        num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX] == 0 &&
@@ -2806,6 +3044,44 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
                   "vertex shader\n");
       goto done;
+   if (num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] > 0 &&
+       num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX] == 0 &&
+       !prog->SeparateShader) {
+      linker_error(prog, "Tessellation evaluation shader must be linked with "
+                  "vertex shader\n");
+      goto done;
+   }
+   if (num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL] > 0 &&
+       num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX] == 0 &&
+       !prog->SeparateShader) {
+      linker_error(prog, "Tessellation control shader must be linked with "
+                  "vertex shader\n");
+      goto done;
+   }
+   /* The spec is self-contradictory here. It allows linking without a tess
+    * eval shader, but that can only be used with transform feedback and
+    * rasterization disabled. However, transform feedback isn't allowed
+    * with GL_PATCHES, so it can't be used.
+    *
+    * More investigation showed that the idea of transform feedback after
+    * a tess control shader was dropped, because some hw vendors couldn't
+    * support tessellation without a tess eval shader, but the linker section
+    * wasn't updated to reflect that.
+    *
+    * All specifications (ARB_tessellation_shader, GL 4.0-4.5) have this
+    * spec bug.
+    *
+    * Do what's reasonable and always require a tess eval shader if a tess
+    * control shader is present.
+    */
+   if (num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL] > 0 &&
+       num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] == 0 &&
+       !prog->SeparateShader) {
+      linker_error(prog, "Tessellation control shader must be linked with "
+                  "tessellation evaluation shader\n");
+      goto done;
+   }
    /* Compute shaders have additional restrictions. */
    if (num_shaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE] > 0 &&
@@ -2882,6 +3158,8 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
    if (!prog->LinkStatus)
       goto done;
+   resize_tes_inputs(ctx, prog);
    /* Validate the inputs of each stage with the output of the preceding
     * stage.

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