On 01/13/2015 02:34 PM, Mason, Michael W wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Versace, Chad
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 10:47 AM
>> To: Mason, Michael W; mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
>> Subject: Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH] mesa: Fix render buffer initial internal 
>> format type
>> On 01/09/2015 05:21 PM, michael.w.ma...@intel.com wrote:
>>> From: Mike Mason <michael.w.ma...@intel.com>
>>> Changes the initial internal format of a render buffer to GL_RGBA4.
>>> This fixes a failure in the following DrawElements test:
>>> dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.rbo.renderbuffer_internal_format
>>> ---
>>>  src/mesa/main/renderbuffer.c | 6 +++++-
>>>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/main/renderbuffer.c
>>> b/src/mesa/main/renderbuffer.c index 0bc7f2b..b339491 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/main/renderbuffer.c
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/main/renderbuffer.c
>>> @@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ _mesa_init_renderbuffer(struct gl_renderbuffer *rb, 
>>> GLuint name)
>>>     rb->Width = 0;
>>>     rb->Height = 0;
>>>     rb->Depth = 0;
>>> -   rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA;
>>> +   /* Default internal format should be GL_RGBA4, per page 258,
>>> +    * table 6.15 of the GLES 3.0.4 spec. Same default is expected
>>> +    * in all OpenGL specs that support BindRenderbuffer().
>>> +    */
>>> +   rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA4;
>>>     rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_NONE;
>>>  }
>> The patch needs to choose the initial internalformat based on
>> the context API.  Table 6.26 in the GL 3.3 Core spec says the initial 
>> renderbuffer internalformat is GL_RGBA. Table 6.15 of
>> the GLES 3.0 spec says GL_RGBA4.
>> I think this is the correct logic:
>>   if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx)) {
>>       rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA;
>>   } else {
>>       rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA4;
>>   }
> "ctx" isn't available in _mesa_init_renderbuffer (where this code resides) 
> and GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx) gives nil for ctx.  Is there any other way to 
> get a pointer to the gl_context?

Drivers call _mesa_init_renderbuffer for 3 reasons, as far as I can tell:

    1. To initialize Mesa's gl_renderbuffer structure in response to a real GL
       renderbuffer object created with glGenRenderbuffers.

    2. To initialize a driver-private renderbuffer in response of the user
       attaching a texture to a framebuffer object, such as with 

    3. To initialize a driver-private renderbuffer that serves as backing 
       for window system surfaces, such as eglCreateWindowSurface or a GLX 

Only in case 1 will the user have a handle to the renderbuffer object and be
able to call glGetRenderbufferParameteriv on it. In case 2, there is always a
context present (I think...), but the driver will immediately overwrite the
value of rb->InternalFormat anyway, so it doesn't really matter what value 
_mesa_init_renderbuffer chooses. In case 3, there may or may not be a context
present, but again the internalformat doesn't matter because the driver will
immediately overwrite it.

From that follows:

    - If a context is current, we are in case 1 or 2. Case 1 is the more 
      case. It requires that we select the internalformat based on the 
context's API.

    - If a context is not current, we are in case 3, or possibly case 2 if I 
      fully understand the problem space. Either way, in neither case 2 nor 3 
      the value of internalformat matter, so we should just continue to 
      it to GL_RGBA as we have always done.

>> Please add both spec references in your patch.
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