On 12/01/2014 06:04 AM, Eduardo Lima Mitev wrote:
This set of (unrelated) patches fixes over 230 tests from the dEQP test suite 
While the tests failures were gathered on i965 (gen8) against 10.3.3, there are 
several driver and version agnostic fixes.

There is one piglit regression brought by patch 10 <glsl: fail when a shader's 
input var has not an equivalent out var in previous>, specifically in test:

bin/glslparsertest \
pass \
     1.50 --check-link

The piglit test seems to be wrong in this case because it contradicts the spec, 
please check that commit's log for details. It would be good to hear other 
people's comments on this in case we are missing something.

The plan is to continue sending these random fixes in batches like this one, 
with the purpose of improving the pass rate of dEQP tests against Mesa.

Eduardo Lima


Patch summary:

Eduardo Lima Mitev (4):
   mesa: Considers GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT a valid argument for FBO
     invalidation under GLES3
   mesa: Enables GL_RGB and GL_RGBA unsized internal formats for OpenGL
     ES 3.0
   mesa: Returns zero samples when querying GL_NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS when
     internal format is integer
   glsl: Don't allow gl_FragData[i], with i>0 in GLES shaders

Iago Toral Quiroga (1):
   mesa: Recompute LegalTypesMask if the GL API has changed

Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez (5):
   glsl: invariant qualifier is not valid for shader inputs in GLSL ES
   glsl: don't allow invariant qualifiers for interface blocks in GLSL ES
   glsl: A shader cannot redefine or overload built-in functions in GLSL
     ES 3.00
   main/glsles: return two minor digits for SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION
   glsl: fail when a shader's input var has not an equivalent out var in

  src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp   | 21 +++++++++++++++++++-
  src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp        | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++
  src/glsl/builtin_functions.cpp | 11 +++++++++++
  src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy        | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  src/glsl/ir.h                  |  4 ++++
  src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp     | 18 ++++++++++++++++-
  src/mesa/main/fbobject.c       |  8 ++++++++
  src/mesa/main/formatquery.c    | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
  src/mesa/main/getstring.c      |  2 +-
  src/mesa/main/mtypes.h         |  3 ++-
  src/mesa/main/varray.c         |  3 ++-
  11 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

The non-GLSL changes look good to me and are: Reviewed-by: Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com>

The GLSL changes look OK too but should probably be reviewed by someone more active in that area.


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