Am 22.09.2014 18:54, schrieb Glenn Kennard:
On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 06:10:48 +0200, Alexandre Demers
<> wrote:
Tested with v3. I get the same result as before: everything is fine
except the gs-atan-vec2 test.
I don't know if this is of any value, but running the command manually
in a shell gives the following:
PIGLIT: {"result": "pass" }
I assume the test ran correctly, but not in the context of the piglit
run, am I right?
I can make this test pass or fail pseudo-randomly, depending on
timing, on my 6670 regardless of if this patch is applied or not, so
at least its not an actual regression. If i run it under valgrind it
always passes. At least its not a regression...
can you please send a rebased version against latest Mesa git (master)?
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