Tested with v3. I get the same result as before: everything is fine except the gs-atan-vec2 test.

I don't know if this is of any value, but running the command manually in a shell gives the following: /home/ademers/projects/display/piglit/bin/shader_runner /home/ademers/projects/display/piglit/generated_tests/spec/glsl-1.50/execution/built-in-functions/gs-atan-vec4.shader_test -auto
PIGLIT: {"result": "pass" }

I assume the test ran correctly, but not in the context of the piglit run, am I right?

Alexandre Demers

On 15/09/14 01:15 AM, Alexandre Demers wrote:
Sorry for the delay, I've been away for work and with not much free time lately.
I'll have a look at it as soon as possible.

Alexandre Demers

On 10/09/14 06:16 AM, Glenn Kennard wrote:
On Sat, 06 Sep 2014 04:00:01 +0200, Alexandre Demers <alexandre.f.dem...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Marek, you were right.

So, on cayman, after comparing results from both runs, it seems there is only one regression which is gs-atan-vec2 under glsl-1.50: piglit/bin/shader_runner /home/ademers/projects/display/piglit/generated_tests/spec/glsl-1.50/execution/built-in-functions/gs-atan-vec2.shader_test -auto

The returned value is the following:
Probe color at (5,0)
   Expected: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
   Observed: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

I've found that some of the piglit geometry shader tests tend to fail once one GPU reset has occurred, and persist until the next power cycle. Did you do a cold restart after the x crash and re-running the tests? Might be worth trying just re-running the failing test after a restart and see if it goes away.


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