You can skip glx tests using these piglit-run parameters: -x glx -x makeCurrent

That should prevent X from crashing.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Alexandre Demers
<> wrote:
> I've been testing your patch v2 on cayman.
> Here are my results. For now, my piglit runs are not conclusive because a
> quick run fails even without your patch: almost at the end of the run, X
> crashes.
> However, using Tesseract as you suggested gave good results. First, it fixes
> a visual glitch appearing on object's edges. Also, being at the same
> position and pointing at the same place resulted in a FPS rate greatly
> improved (from 21 fps to 37 fps).
> So it seems good on cayman. I'll try to confirm it even further with a good
> piglit run if I find a way to run it correctly first without the patch.
> --
> Alexandre Demers
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