Could it be possible to add these drivers in the lists instead of me adding
some more exceptions in my code?

(I ask that mainly because I might have bug reports saying that softpipe is
green but it's never mentioned in the original file)

2014-08-25 10:28 GMT-04:00 Roland Scheidegger <>:

> Am 25.08.2014 07:56, schrieb Kenneth Graunke:
> > On Monday, August 25, 2014 12:05:07 AM Romain Failliot wrote:
> >> Some folks helped me and a lot of detection bug have been fixed!
> >>
> >> I have a question though (for my own culture): what's with the swrast,
> the
> >> softpipe and the llvmpipe? Aren't they all software drivers? What's the
> >> difference between all of them?
> >>
> >> Thanks you!
> >
> > swrast is Mesa's original software rasterizer - the oldest of the
> three.  In addition to being a standalone software driver, it's also used
> for software fallbacks in the classic drivers (i915, i965, r100, r200,
> nouveau_vieux).
> >
> > softpipe is newer - a Gallium based software rasterizer.  It has a lot
> more features than the old swrast.  It's not particularly fast, but is
> pretty simple in comparison to llvmpipe.
> >
> > llvmpipe uses LLVM to compile shaders to native assembly, rather than
> using an interpreter.  As such, it's much faster than the other two.
> >
> > At least, that's my understanding of the situation.
> >
> > --Ken
> In addition to that, softpipe is more meant as a development tool - way
> easier to debug if something goes wrong than llvmpipe. It is lagging a
> bit behind llvmpipe though in some areas.
> llvmpipe, while not listed in GL3.txt, actually can do all up to and
> including GL 3.3, with the exception of real MSAA (the implementation is
> fake and not conformant). Similar story with softpipe (though it has
> more non-compliant behavior wrt texturing especially, like explicit
> derivatives not working, no offsets etc.).
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