On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Romain Failliot
<romain.faill...@foolstep.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I made a PHP script to have a better representation of the OpenGL compliance
> of Mesa:
> http://creak.foolstep.com/mesamatrix/

Cool. You may also be interested in
http://people.freedesktop.org/~imirkin/glxinfo/glxinfo.html which
takes a more pragmatic approach of just using whatever is reported by
glxinfo for various hardware for released mesa versions.

> But I'm not sure about the signification of some lines.
> When there is a "DONE", with no parenthesis after, does it means it's done
> for all the drivers?

Yes, it implies that it's a feature implemented by mesa core that
doesn't need explicit driver support.

> And when there is a "DONE ()" -- with parenthesis, but nothing in it -- it
> means that I should just take the "all DONE:" list, isn't it?


> Also, for the lines beginning with a "-", I took the drivers compatibility
> of the parent line, i.e. the first before without a "-".
> Is it right?

Seems reasonable. You're just talking about ARB_gpu_shader5, right?
Those are all sub-features of ARB_gs5 (it's a monster extension).

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