Before, we had 3 different emit functions for various different gen's,
as well as some ancilliary work that was the same across all gen's which
was either contained in functions or duplicated across the GLSL IR and
Mesa IR backends. Now, we have a single method, emit_texture(), that
takes all the information needed to make a texture instruction and
handles all the setup, and all we have to do to emit a texture
instruction while converting from GLSL IR, Mesa IR, or any new backend
is to extract the information emit_texture() needs and then call it.

Signed-off-by: Connor Abbott <>
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h           |   8 ++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_fp.cpp      |  27 +---
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp | 202 +++++++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h 
index b0f26a5..d9cdb23 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h
@@ -388,6 +388,14 @@ public:
                               int lod_components, fs_reg sample_index,
                               bool has_offset, fs_reg offset, fs_reg mcs,
                               int sampler);
+   void emit_texture(ir_texture_opcode op, const glsl_type *dest_type,
+                     fs_reg coordinate, const struct glsl_type *coord_type,
+                     fs_reg shadow_c, fs_reg lod, fs_reg lod2,
+                     int lod_components, fs_reg sample_index,
+                     bool has_offset, fs_reg offset, int *const_offset,
+                     unsigned offset_components, fs_reg mcs,
+                     int gather_component, bool is_cube_array, bool is_rect,
+                     int sampler, int texunit);
    fs_reg emit_mcs_fetch(fs_reg coordinate, int components, int sampler);
    void emit_gen6_gather_wa(uint8_t wa, fs_reg dst);
    fs_reg fix_math_operand(fs_reg src);
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_fp.cpp 
index fb46a27..d08342c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_fp.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_fp.cpp
@@ -478,29 +478,14 @@ fs_visitor::emit_fragment_program_code()
             unreachable("not reached");
-         int coord_components = coordinate_type->vector_elements;
          if (fpi->TexShadow)
-            shadow_c = offset(coordinate, 2);
-         coordinate = rescale_texcoord(coordinate, coordinate_type,
-                                       fpi->TexSrcTarget == TEXTURE_RECT_INDEX,
-                                       fpi->TexSrcUnit, fpi->TexSrcUnit);
-         fs_inst *inst;
-         if (brw->gen >= 7) {
-            inst = emit_texture_gen7(ir->op, dst, coordinate, 
coord_components, shadow_c, lod, dpdy, 0, sample_index, false, offset_reg, 
fs_reg(0u), fpi->TexSrcUnit);
-         } else if (brw->gen >= 5) {
-            inst = emit_texture_gen5(ir->op, dst, coordinate, 
coord_components, shadow_c, lod, dpdy, 0, sample_index, false);
-         } else {
-            inst = emit_texture_gen4(ir->op, dst, coordinate, 
coord_components, shadow_c, lod, dpdy, 0);
-         }
-         inst->sampler = fpi->TexSrcUnit;
-         inst->shadow_compare = fpi->TexShadow;
+            shadow_c = offset(coordinate, 2);
-         /* Reuse the GLSL swizzle_result() handler. */
-         swizzle_result(ir->op, 4, dst, fpi->TexSrcUnit);
+         emit_texture(ir->op, glsl_type::vec4_type, coordinate,
+                      coordinate_type, shadow_c, lod, dpdy, 0, sample_index,
+                      false, offset_reg, NULL, 0, reg_undef, 0, false,
+                      fpi->TexSrcTarget == TEXTURE_RECT_INDEX,
+                      fpi->TexSrcUnit, fpi->TexSrcUnit);
          dst = this->result;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp 
index 50f4106..268b17c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
@@ -1752,61 +1752,133 @@ fs_visitor::emit_mcs_fetch(fs_reg coordinate, int 
components, int sampler)
-fs_visitor::visit(ir_texture *ir)
+fs_visitor::emit_texture(ir_texture_opcode op, const glsl_type *dest_type,
+                         fs_reg coordinate, const struct glsl_type *coord_type,
+                         fs_reg shadow_c, fs_reg lod, fs_reg lod2,
+                         int lod_components, fs_reg sample_index,
+                         bool has_offset, fs_reg offset, int *const_offset,
+                         unsigned offset_components, fs_reg mcs,
+                         int gather_component, bool is_cube_array,
+                         bool is_rect, int sampler, int texunit)
    fs_inst *inst = NULL;
-   int sampler =
-      _mesa_get_sampler_uniform_value(ir->sampler, shader_prog, prog);
-   /* FINISHME: We're failing to recompile our programs when the sampler is
-    * updated.  This only matters for the texture rectangle scale parameters
-    * (pre-gen6, or gen6+ with GL_CLAMP).
-    */
-   int texunit = prog->SamplerUnits[sampler];
-   if (ir->op == ir_tg4) {
+   if (op == ir_tg4) {
       /* When tg4 is used with the degenerate ZERO/ONE swizzles, don't bother
        * emitting anything other than setting up the constant result.
-      ir_constant *chan = ir->lod_info.component->as_constant();
-      int swiz = GET_SWZ(key->tex.swizzles[sampler], chan->value.i[0]);
+      int swiz = GET_SWZ(key->tex.swizzles[sampler], gather_component);
       if (swiz == SWIZZLE_ZERO || swiz == SWIZZLE_ONE) {
          fs_reg res = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::vec4_type);
          this->result = res;
-         for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
             emit(MOV(res, fs_reg(swiz == SWIZZLE_ZERO ? 0.0f : 1.0f)));
+   if (coordinate.file != BAD_FILE) {
+      coordinate = rescale_texcoord(coordinate, coord_type, is_rect, sampler,
+                                    texunit);
+   }
+   /* Writemasking doesn't eliminate channels on SIMD8 texture
+    * samples, so don't worry about them.
+    */
+   fs_reg dst = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::get_instance(dest_type->base_type, 4, 
+   int coord_components = coord_type ? coord_type->vector_elements : 0;
+   if (brw->gen >= 7) {
+      inst = emit_texture_gen7(op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
+                               shadow_c, lod, lod2, lod_components,
+                               sample_index, has_offset, offset, mcs, sampler);
+   } else if (brw->gen >= 5) {
+      inst = emit_texture_gen5(op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
+                               shadow_c, lod, lod2, lod_components,
+                               sample_index, has_offset);
+   } else {
+      inst = emit_texture_gen4(op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
+                               shadow_c, lod, lod2, lod_components);
+   }
+   inst->sampler = sampler;
+   if (shadow_c.file != BAD_FILE)
+      inst->shadow_compare = true;
+   /* fixup #layers for cube map arrays */
+   if (op == ir_txs && is_cube_array) {
+      fs_reg depth = dst;
+      depth.reg_offset = 2;
+      fs_reg fixed_depth = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type);
+      emit_math(SHADER_OPCODE_INT_QUOTIENT, fixed_depth, depth, fs_reg(6));
+      fs_reg *fixed_payload = ralloc_array(mem_ctx, fs_reg, 
+      fs_reg d = dst;
+      for (int i = 0; i < inst->regs_written; i++) {
+         if (i == 2) {
+            fixed_payload[i] = fixed_depth;
+         } else {
+            d.reg_offset = i;
+            fixed_payload[i] = d;
+         }
+      }
+      emit(LOAD_PAYLOAD(dst, fixed_payload, inst->regs_written));
+   }
+   if (brw->gen == 6 && op == ir_tg4) {
+      emit_gen6_gather_wa(key->tex.gen6_gather_wa[sampler], dst);
+   }
+   swizzle_result(op, dest_type->vector_elements, dst, sampler);
+   if (has_offset && op != ir_txf)
+      inst->texture_offset =
+         brw_texture_offset(ctx, const_offset, offset_components);
+   if (op == ir_tg4)
+      inst->texture_offset |= gather_channel(gather_component, sampler) << 16; 
// M0.2:16-17
+fs_visitor::visit(ir_texture *ir)
+   int sampler =
+      _mesa_get_sampler_uniform_value(ir->sampler, shader_prog, prog);
+   /* FINISHME: We're failing to recompile our programs when the sampler is
+    * updated.  This only matters for the texture rectangle scale parameters
+    * (pre-gen6, or gen6+ with GL_CLAMP).
+    */
+   int texunit = prog->SamplerUnits[sampler];
    /* Should be lowered by do_lower_texture_projection */
    /* Should be lowered */
    assert(!ir->offset || !ir->offset->type->is_array());
-   /* Generate code to compute all the subexpression trees.  This has to be
-    * done before loading any values into MRFs for the sampler message since
-    * generating these values may involve SEND messages that need the MRFs.
-    */
+   int gather_component = 0;
+   if (ir->op == ir_tg4)
+      gather_component = ir->lod_info.component->as_constant()->value.i[0];
+   const struct glsl_type *coord_type =
+      ir->coordinate ? ir->coordinate->type : NULL;
+   bool is_rect =
+      ir->sampler->type->sampler_dimensionality == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_RECT;
    fs_reg coordinate;
    if (ir->coordinate) {
-      coordinate = rescale_texcoord(this->result,
-                                    ir->coordinate ? ir->coordinate->type : 
-                                    ir->sampler->type->sampler_dimensionality 
-                                    GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_RECT,
-                                    sampler, texunit);
+      coordinate = this->result;
-   int coord_components =
-      ir->coordinate ? ir->coordinate->type->vector_elements : 0;
    fs_reg shadow_comparitor;
    if (ir->shadow_comparitor) {
@@ -1854,73 +1926,29 @@ fs_visitor::visit(ir_texture *ir)
       unreachable("Unrecognized texture opcode");
-   /* Writemasking doesn't eliminate channels on SIMD8 texture
-    * samples, so don't worry about them.
-    */
-   fs_reg dst = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::get_instance(ir->type->base_type, 4, 
    bool has_offset = ir->offset != NULL;
    fs_reg offset;
-   if (has_offset && ir->offset->as_constant()) {
-      ir->offset->accept(this);
-      offset = this->result;
-   }
-   if (brw->gen >= 7) {
-      inst = emit_texture_gen7(ir->op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
-                               shadow_comparitor, lod, lod2, lod_components,
-                               sample_index, has_offset, offset, mcs, sampler);
-   } else if (brw->gen >= 5) {
-      inst = emit_texture_gen5(ir->op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
-                               shadow_comparitor, lod, lod2, lod_components,
-                               sample_index, has_offset);
-   } else {
-      inst = emit_texture_gen4(ir->op, dst, coordinate, coord_components,
-                               shadow_comparitor, lod, lod2, lod_components);
-   }
-   if (ir->offset != NULL && ir->op != ir_txf)
-      inst->texture_offset =
-         brw_texture_offset(ctx, ir->offset->as_constant()->value.i,
-                            ir->offset->type->vector_elements);
-   if (ir->op == ir_tg4)
-      inst->texture_offset |= 
gather_channel(ir->lod_info.component->as_constant()->value.i[0], sampler) << 
16; // M0.2:16-17
-   inst->sampler = sampler;
-   if (ir->shadow_comparitor)
-      inst->shadow_compare = true;
-   /* fixup #layers for cube map arrays */
-   if (ir->op == ir_txs) {
-      glsl_type const *type = ir->sampler->type;
-      if (type->sampler_dimensionality == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_CUBE &&
-          type->sampler_array) {
-         fs_reg depth = dst;
-         depth.reg_offset = 2;
-         fs_reg fixed_depth = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type);
-         emit_math(SHADER_OPCODE_INT_QUOTIENT, fixed_depth, depth, fs_reg(6));
-         fs_reg *fixed_payload = ralloc_array(mem_ctx, fs_reg, 
-         fs_reg d = dst;
-         for (int i = 0; i < inst->regs_written; i++) {
-            if (i == 2) {
-               fixed_payload[i] = fixed_depth;
-            } else {
-               d.reg_offset = i;
-               fixed_payload[i] = d;
-            }
-         }
-         emit(LOAD_PAYLOAD(dst, fixed_payload, inst->regs_written));
+   int *const_offset = NULL;
+   int offset_components = 0;
+   if (has_offset) {
+      if (!ir->offset->as_constant()) {
+         ir->offset->accept(this);
+         offset = this->result;
+      } else {
+         const_offset = ir->offset->as_constant()->value.i;
+      offset_components = ir->offset->type->vector_elements;
-   if (brw->gen == 6 && ir->op == ir_tg4) {
-      emit_gen6_gather_wa(key->tex.gen6_gather_wa[sampler], dst);
-   }
+   glsl_type const *sampler_type = ir->sampler->type;
+   bool is_cube_array =
+      sampler_type->sampler_dimensionality == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_CUBE &&
+      sampler_type->sampler_array;
-   swizzle_result(ir->op, ir->type->vector_elements, dst, sampler);
+   emit_texture(ir->op, ir->type, coordinate, coord_type, shadow_comparitor,
+                lod, lod2, lod_components, sample_index, has_offset, offset,
+                const_offset, offset_components, mcs, gather_component,
+                is_cube_array, is_rect, sampler, texunit);

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