On 05/16/2014 04:32 AM, Rogovin, Kevin wrote:
> Hi,
>> The patch basically looks good. We're lacking piglit tests for these 
>> extensions, and I think we'll want some before we turn these extensions on.
>  Thanks for the review. Should I make the necessary piglit tests? 

It should be possible to adapt some of the existing float texture tests
to run on ES mode without too much effort.

>> These extensions still aren't sorted into the GL_OES_* list. I'll just do 
>> that when I commit it. I don't see a lot of use in the TODO comment, so I 
>> might remove it as well...?
> I am embarrassed, I did not realize that there was additional sorting, 
> alphabetical, in that list. As for killing the comment: on one hand, in 
> practice it likely does not matter for the hardware Mesa supports but on the 
> other hand they were separate. I am fine with killing the comment, though my 
> obsessive compulsive side complains. 
> Once this gets in, I have another patch planned for GLES2 better internal 
> format choosing support.
> -Kevin
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