From: Ian Romanick <>

- Remove the spurious block left from the previous commit and re-indent.

- Constify elements.

- Make the spec reference in the code look like other spec references in
  the compiler.

Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <>
Cc: "10.1" <>
 src/glsl/link_uniform_initializers.cpp | 36 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/link_uniform_initializers.cpp 
index 9a10350..6f15e69 100644
--- a/src/glsl/link_uniform_initializers.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/link_uniform_initializers.cpp
@@ -95,27 +95,27 @@ set_sampler_binding(void *mem_ctx, gl_shader_program *prog,
-   {
-      unsigned elements = MAX2(storage->array_elements, 1);
-      /* From section 4.4.4 of the GLSL 4.20 specification:
-       * "If the binding identifier is used with an array, the first element
-       *  of the array takes the specified unit and each subsequent element
-       *  takes the next consecutive unit."
-       */
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
-         storage->storage[i].i = binding + i;
-      }
+   const unsigned elements = MAX2(storage->array_elements, 1);
+   /* Section 4.4.4 (Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers) of the GLSL 4.20 spec
+    * says:
+    *
+    *     "If the binding identifier is used with an array, the first element
+    *     of the array takes the specified unit and each subsequent element
+    *     takes the next consecutive unit."
+    */
+   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
+      storage->storage[i].i = binding + i;
+   }
-      for (int sh = 0; sh < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; sh++) {
-         gl_shader *shader = prog->_LinkedShaders[sh];
+   for (int sh = 0; sh < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; sh++) {
+      gl_shader *shader = prog->_LinkedShaders[sh];
-         if (shader && storage->sampler[sh].active) {
-            for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
-               unsigned index = storage->sampler[sh].index + i;
+      if (shader && storage->sampler[sh].active) {
+         for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
+            unsigned index = storage->sampler[sh].index + i;
-               shader->SamplerUnits[index] = storage->storage[i].i;
-            }
+            shader->SamplerUnits[index] = storage->storage[i].i;

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