I agree with everything except these two:

"Rename the commonly occurring rctx/r600 to now more suitable sctx."
"Rename the commonly occurring rscreen to now more suitable sscreen."

It's too much for my eye to handle.


On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Andreas Hartmetz <ahartm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have talked on IRC meanwhile:
> "Everywhere" was supposed to mean file names and data structures.
> I have made a patch series (git link because file renames produce huge
> diffs) that renames *everything* away from r600 (and also radeonsi)
> to si, where it is actually about SI. In the such modified code it is
> then clear at first glance that only resources, textures and some
> other low-level interface code from R600 / generic Radeon are actually
> used in SI code.
> The patch series is ordered by increasing controversy potential due
> to destruction of git blame history, so the last parts can be omitted
> if they are deemed too destructive to history. In my opinion, it is
> better to have code that is readable now than code that is less
> readable but with the possibility to look up how it became like that.
> Michel said on IRC that he'd prefer to keep the name radeonsi_pipe.h/c,
> I disagree: If the library name is to be kept, there must be a break
> between radeonsi and si *somewhere*, and it is normal for library names
> to not correspond to any file name in the library. The same scheme is
> used in llvmpipe, llvmpipe lib / directory versus lp_* file names.
> Here's the repository (branch is master):
> git git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ahartmetz/mesa.git
> web http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fahartmetz%2Fmesa.git
> On Monday 06 January 2014 15:50:05 Marek Olšák wrote:
>> It sounds good, but I'd like the prefix to be si_ everywhere.
>> Marek
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Andreas Hartmetz <ahartm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > many of the files in radeonsi originally came from other places where
>> > they had different names and were never renamed.
>> > Most of them now have names that don't tell what the files are for
>> > (r600 is not actually the first hardware supported by them, they start
>> > at radeonsi), and even those with radeonsi are split between
>> > radeonsi_ and si_.
>> > si_ is shorter than radeonsi_, but inconsistent with the directory and
>> > library name. I still think it's the best option, but no strong opinion
>> > from me. If and when the files are renamed, the next step would be
>> > doing the same with the r600_ struct and function names.
>> > Does that sound good? I'll send the patches shortly if so.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Andreas
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